Virginia Beach, V.a. (WAVY) – Thousands of people signed up to be a part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach races this weekend.
“Over the series of the weekend, we had 7600 runners sign up to race with us for the one mile, the 5k, and then today is the half marathon,” said senior regional director for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series Keats McGonigal.
McGonigal says runners helped raise money for a good cause.
“One of the special things we get to do is partner with St. Jude research hospital. They’re a great partner of us,” he said.
“It’s for a good cause too. We all donated to St. Jude, and that’s what we’re running for today,” said runner Darien Lopez.
Runners who participated in fundraising for St. Jude raised tens of thousands of dollars.
“At this particular race they have a number of athletes that are running and raising funds. They’ve raised over 75,000 dollars just in this one race alone,” said McGonigal.
The money raised from fundraising goes to helping kids at St. Jude with cancer and other life threatening diseases.
All participants in the half marathon received free entry to the 26th Annual American Music Festival at the oceanfront.
Those who ran the 5K will also be able to enjoy Sunday’s concert at no cost.
Catch WAVY News 10’s Deanna Bettineschi’s story tonight at 6.