How A Prenatal 'Bootcamp' For New Dads Helps The Whole Family
Prenatal classes often focus on Mom-to-be — on her shifting role and emotional needs, along with new skills. But if Dad gets sidelined early into a supporting role, research shows, everybody loses....
View ArticleTrump's Republican Challengers Had An Uphill Climb. It Just Got Steeper
Aware of how a primary challenge can hurt an incumbent president's re-election chances, the president's allies are moving to eliminate or scale back Republican primaries and caucuses in 2020. (Image...
View ArticleChip-And-Ship Forest Clearing May Help Prevent Wildfire Disasters
Large-scale forest thinning in northern Arizona to prevent wildfires is behind schedule. But a new program is taking low-value logs and shipping them across the Pacific to markets in Asia. (Image...
View ArticleDare County allows partial reentry to areas south of Oregon Inlet after...
DARE COUNTY, N.C. (WAVY) – Dare County has allowed Priority Three reentry for areas south of Oregon Inlet (Hatteras Island) at noon on Sunday following Hurricane Dorian. Emergency Management officials...
View ArticleAgile project management, explained | The Enterprisers Project
What is agile project management, and is it right for your team? How is it different from other project management approaches? Experts answer all your burning questions. Chief Operating Officer’s...
View Article5 Tips for Creating the Best Employee Onboarding Experiences
How do you create the best employee onboarding experiences? In this article we cover 5 tips that will help you boost onboarding outcomes across the board. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Operations...
View ArticleHow to Stop Missing Your Writing Deadlines
The Pi Rule and other delicious tools. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Small Business Project Management
View ArticleWhat are project and business objectives?
Fore more info go to: (Remember to subscribe fore more videos) What are business objectives? What are project objectives? How do o… Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Small...
View ArticleHow "You aren't going to need it!" can simplify your development process
The principle of “You aren’t going to need it!” found in Extreme Programming can be particularly valuable for keeping your programming workflows simple. Chief Operating Officer’s insight: Project...
View ArticleUnfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy
While wind energy is marketed as the future's green energy solution, turbines last only about 20 years, and disposing of their behemoth fiberglass blades is both complicated and costly. (Image credit:...
View ArticleU.S. Census Bureau Reports Poverty Rate Down, But Millions Still Poor
While the poverty rate finally fell to prerecession levels in 2018, the number of people without health insurance increased, and about one in eight Americans still lived below the poverty line. (Image...
View ArticleNFL Season Kicks Off With Refuges For Fans With Sensory Needs To Take A Timeout
The Philadelphia Eagles, the Seattle Seahawks and the Minnesota Vikings have all opened rooms in their stadiums for fans, including those with autism, who need a break from sensory overload. (Image...
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